Having dry skin can be miserable. Especially when you feel like you've tried everything. Some of the tips in this blog may work, maybe you've tried them already, we hope you can get some good information from this, and some relief. Please see the disclaimer note at the bottom of the article.
The first thing we notice when the weather changes, is how our skin changes with it. In colder temps, we dry out, our skin needs extra moisture. Same as when it's super humid outside. Overusing things like bar soap, lotions, and creams with unnatural chemicals can compound the problem making it even harder to control.

If you're dealing with dry skin due to the colder weather
When the air gets colder, it also gets drier. Running a humidifier can help with dry skin, by adding moisture to the air, you'll notice your skin isn't so dry and your hair less frizzy. Soothing, moisturizing ingredients like coconut oil, olive oil, almond, and honey can help. Switching your bar soap to a natural cold processed, soap can help with dry skin and irritation. Washing your arms and hands frequently can help if there's an irritant causing your skin to flare up. Using a moisturizer like a natural or hemp lotion can help tremendously. If your hands are cracked and dry, using a thick layer of lotion or cream and wearing a pair of gloves to bed will help heal the cracked skin. This also works for dry cracked feet. Except you'll use socks instead of gloves. That might seem obvious to some, but I want to make sure we're all on the same page with that one.
Relief is on the way
Soaking in an oatmeal, milk, and honey bath can soothe and moisturize. Bath bombs are all the rage right now. Using one that offers relief for dry skin and soaking for a little bit will not only relax you but moisturize you, too. Scented bath bombs can induce relaxed feelings, open sinuses, and energize you. Natural bath bombs are good for all ages and skin types. What you want to watch for is what the bath bomb is scented and colored with. Some of the colorants used may be approved by the FDA but can cause breakouts on sensitive skin. Make sure to use a bath bomb that has been scented with certified essential oils and uses natural coloring, like from plants. Our bath bombs are natural and made using sustainable methods. We value the communities involved in the production of our ingredients. Maintaining a friendly working relationship.

What type of natural soap should I look for?
You want to look for a natural soap that contains natural ingredients that haven't been grown using harsh chemicals, that may affect the product you receive from the plant; its flowers, seeds, stems, and leaves. Which are the parts that essential oil blends come from. Using soaps with organic-grown base oils will help combat dry skin. Cocoa butter, Jojoba, Aloe Vera, Olive Oil, and Avocado Oil are great for helping relieve dry skin. You should avoid parabens, fragrances, benzoyl peroxide, alcohol, and salicylic acid.