There's a concern some people have about whether, in fact, donations are going to the cause and not the CEO's pocket. I have thought that myself and researched organizations before giving.
This was no different. We are excited to be a part of supporting and watching organizations accomplish their goals of helping the world be a better place. That's why we chose the Red Panda Network.

The Red Panda Network is an organization that has relief efforts in Nepal. The local Nepal communities are vital to red panda conservation.
The Red Panda Network works with the "people who live alongside red pandas to secure sustainable livelihoods and live harmoniously with local wildlife" according to their website. Their conservation efforts have paid off by extending the forest reach by 50%. On Earth Day in 2023, the Himalayan Habre Center was opened. The Habre Center is a hub for educational and skill -building workshops where local people can learn sustainable energy use and sustainable life skills.

The Red Panda Network has a list of beneficial works they have done to alleviate poverty and ensure a sustainable future for people and pandas.
There are programs, still today, they operate. Things like research and monitoring, They were the developers of several programs in Nepal, a monitoring program, and the red panda survey.
Final Thoughts:
Education and outreach include the education of children and adults in surrounding communities on how to help the conservation of the red panda and sustainable living. Every sale and every donation is going towards rebuilding a better tomorrow. For people. For red pandas.